John Hart is a former criminal defense attorney who turned into one of America's most popular and respected writers of literary crime fiction. 2006 saw the publication of his debut novel, The King of Lies, his next two novels 2007's Down River and 2009's The Last Child each won the Edgar Award for Best novel, and Iron House followed in 2011. 2016 sees the publication of his fifth novel, Redemption Road, which is published by Thomas Dunne Books.
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Rheta Grimsley Johnson has received the Ernie Pyle Memorial Award and the National Headliner Award for her newspaper work. She's also written five books, including a biography of Charles Schultz and a trio of memoirs: Poor Man's Provence: Finding Myself in Cajun Louisiana, Enchanted Evening Barbie and the Second Coming, and in this episode, she and Linda Loyd will be talking about the newest of the three, The Dogs Buried over the Bridge: A Memoir in Dog Years.
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